
Coupons for back rubs


  1. Were you on vacation? I just found this site and as soon as I subscribe to the RSS, it goes silent. Glad you're back.

  2. Sorry for the hiatus. Rubbing lotion on my uncle's hairy back really took it out of me. But we're back on track now. Let the haikus begin.

  3. As funny and uncomfortable as that situation, I wouldn't mindhaving a few coupons for back rubs. I've been tense as all hell lately

  4. funny :) I wouldn't mindhaving a few coupons for back rubs. I've been tense as all hell lately

  5. As humorous and unpleasant as that predicament, I would not mindhaving a handful of coupons for back rubs. I've been tense as all hell recently.

  6. This what I need because imagine getting a perfect rub during Christmas, it would be the perfect gift for me and more because I'm a bolt man.m10m

  7. I would like to get a few of this coupons but I want to get a rub in another part of my body... I don't know if you know what I mean. No matter what the cost is for the extra service, I have the money to pay for it.


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